Analisis Komparatif Strategi Automatic Trading dan Manual Trading Dalam Pasar Forex Online

Bayu Dermawan Saputra


This research aims to find outcomparisonbetween automatedtradingand manual trading in forex online.There are three point that we will compare in this journal which is return, risk and cost.Using the descriptive analysis, anova, hodric-prescott filter and interviewing trader, we’vefoundthat manual trading is more profitable than automatedtrading, but on the otherside manual trading havevery higher risk than automatedtrading.When comparing the cost of each strategy we’vefound that automatedtrading cost more money than manual trading but manual trading cost more time than automatedtrading.

Keyword: Forex Online, Automated Trading,Anova, descriptive analysis, hodric-presscot filter

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