Pengaruh Kemasan Produk Makanan Ringan Merek Oishi “Pillows” Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Strata 1 Universitas Brawijaya)

Arie Pratama Putra


This study aims to identify and analyze the effect of packaging on consumer
purchasing decisions at UB undergraduate students , either simultaneously or partially . This
research is explanatory research that  explains the causal relationships between variables
through hypothesis testing .
This study used a sample of 100 respondents drawn from UB undergraduate students
who ever made a purchase product . Sampling using purposive sampling , judgment sampling
is also called the selection of a random sample types obtained by using certain considerations
, generally adapted to the purpose or research problems . Test equipment used to test the
research instrument beupa validity test , reliability test , and classical assumption . Hypothesis
testing was performed using the F test and t test and dominant test . Analysis using multiple
linear regression analysis .
From the results of research with the steps described above result that is based on the
results of multiple linear regression analysis using the F test ( simultaneous ) it can be
concluded simultaneously influencing purchasing decisions , then the results of t-test analysis
can be concluded that partial only variable affecting promotion purchasing decisions , while
the operating variables , reusable , and labeling has no effect . Based on the results of the
regression coefficient (Standardized Beta Coefficients ) , respectively , it can be seen variable
promotion has dominant influence on purchasing decisions Oishi brand of snack  food
products " Pillows " at UB undergraduate students .

Keywords: Operating, Reusable, Promotion, Labelling, Consumer Decision Making

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